Thursday, March 11, 2010

Removal of Cannine (eye tooth or pulled down)?


I am 26 years old and am in the process of getting invisalign. My biggest issue is that I have an eye tooth/ canine that has not came out, on the x ray shows that it is coming it at an angle...My orthodontist is good and went over my options. Since I am a business professional I need something that will not look too obvious... my first option was to attach a bracket and pull it down but this can take a very long time and even that may not guarantee that it will come in straight which will force me to get metal braces which i DO NOT want to get. my other option was to have it removed and put an implant in place. to prepare my surrounding teeth he was going to put ceramic braces on for about 3-6 month to prepare the surrounding teeth and in place put a fake tooth until the implant procedure is complete, then put me back on invisalign.. I know this will be a little more expensive but it seems as if it wont take so long and will be less noticeable.. What is your advise? please help

Removal of Cannine (eye tooth or pulled down)?
Nothing is as good as a real tooth!

I had the same thing happen to me, when I was 16. I had metal braces, and the orthodontist extracted my primary canine and attached a bracket to the permanent canine. I had my braces on for 2 1/2 years. I would recommened not having your permanent canine replaced with an implant! Like I said above, nothing is as good as the real thing!
Reply:those exactly are your options. if you were 16, i would recommend the first option. it is worth a try to save your permanent tooth because (although there are no guarantees, even with an implant), it would be nice to have a natural tooth as your can function without a canine but a canine is important in excursive movements since is helps relieve the load from the other teeth. a implant canine can do the same but it's just not as strong as a natural canine.

but since you are 26, the second option would be fine. it will be successful if done properly and if everything heals well. yes, it wont take as long and will cost more since there are more procedures to do. hopefully, the fake tooth doesnt fall out when you have it placed for 3-6months. - it might be an inconvenience. good luck

dr. charles
Reply:Invisilign can fix crooked/severly crooked teeth. Just look at the website.
Reply:I would not have a healthy tooth removed just because I was afraid of my appearance for a few months. Your natural teeth are so important and it's sad to hear that people would just rather have them taken out rather than try to keep their own. I think you should have the wire attached and let the tooth be pulled down into its place. Even if your canine teeth come in crooked, you shouldn't have to have a full set of braces...I'd get a second opinion if that's what your orthodontist told you. It should be a goal to keep all of your own teeth.

acne scar

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