Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What would be the best way to replace a missing tooth, especially when you have profound heart disease?

I just had a molar pulled out and the site is really sore as well as the jawbone and teeth next to it, is this normal? I wanted to try to save the tooth, but since it had been crowned twice, posted and root cannaled, the dentist said it had to be pulled. It was abcess and had more decay under the crown. As a matter of fact, he found another tooth that has decay under the crown and says this one has to go too. They are the same dentists who placed the crowns originally. Shouldn't a crown last more than 2 or 3 years?

The dentist gave me options on what I can do to replace the tooth: 1st, Do Nothing, 2nd, Temporary Bridge, 3rd a permanent bridge, and lastly a tooth implant. SInce I have major bone loss I would have to have a bone graft $750.00, Implant $1975.00 and the crown would be $1525.00 for a total of $4,400.00. Does this sound reasonable? In the past I have spent approx, $3,000.00 on that same tooth. Can anyone believe a total of over $7500.00 on one lousy tooth

What would be the best way to replace a missing tooth, especially when you have profound heart disease?
You are right, implants are very expensive. As far as replacing this tooth, you will need to determine if you want to use your teeth to chew food, or your gums. A permanent bridge is usually a great option as long as you take time to brush and floss around it well. Since you have a considerable amount of bone loss, I assume that you suffer from periodontal disease. Do you see the dental hygienist 2 to 4 times per year? Do you floss? And yes, a crown should last for 20 years... as long as it's being taken care of by you and the hygienist.

Usually it does take several days for an extraction site to heal. If it has been a while, call your dentist.

I'm not trying to lecture, I just hope that you're taking care of your teeth (brushing 2-3 times/day, flossing, etc.) If you are and are still having severe problems, maybe you should look for another dentist.

Good luck!
Reply:That's why I have dentures. THere is no way a tooth should cost as much as a car. I did the implants first and was allergic to the posts that they implant to attach the tooth to. I had good insurance but still had a copay of about 1200 per tooth (4 teeth).


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