I would give it a name
If you found out, that the government implanted a small micro chip in your teeth, what would you do?
have it removed if possible. Violation of freedom of rights.
Reply:Floss, floss floss :))
Reply:cover it in tin foil and walk around with my head between my legs as close to my butt as possible, then i would send the government a pair of my underwear in the mail...
...that makes as much sense as your question, so why not?
Reply:ur a lil parinoid but id take out the tooth and go shove it up gorge wbushes
Reply:chew lots of gum and hope it falls out.
Reply:wait for the tooth fairy to come
Reply:Pull it out with some plyers.
Reply:wonder what it is for.
Reply:I would freak out, complain to them asking what the heck it does and if it will hurt me or something.
Reply:i would drink coke until it disintigrated. take that sneaky government. monitor what i eat NOW!
Reply:have my teeth yanked out and get false ones and then move out of the country .
Reply:I'd have it pulled............!
Shine on............!
Reply:that's a smart place to put it
Reply:Have it pulled out !
Reply:I'd blow the living f#$% out of their HQs.
Reply:Get a dentist I trust to pull them. Then take the teeth as evidence and sell my story to whoever would print it. Take that money and move to canada, changing my name and my identity.
Reply:knock the tooth out then shove it up the nearest government employee's butt.
Reply:I would floss more often and possibly have even better hygiene and a spectacular smile!
Reply:go on a killing spree and kick whoever planted it on me in the face!....or maybe not
Reply:have all my teeth removed LOL
Reply:I would be tremendously flattered to think they thought I had something that important to say!
Reply:Depends on its purpose.
Reply:well with all my cavities and root canals, it probably would have fallen out by now.
Reply:First I would contact them to find out why. Then I would head to the dentist to have it removed. But I would keep the tooth to do further research on it.
Reply:I'd quit doing bad stuff and pay my taxes
Reply:I would get all of my teeth yanked out and replaced with porcelain veneers.
Reply:Do what they told me too.... MUAH HA HA HA AH....
Just kidding... Id definitely have it pulled out.
Reply:I'd get all my teeth removed. Then I'd invest in dentures. Then if they did it to the dentures I'd carve my own wooden teeth or just gum everything.
Reply:just start talking about really random things to try and see if the goverment comes a knocking because i made one of the guys listening crack up so bad he passed out and almost died
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