i damaged my front teeth agers ago, my teeth look okay on the eye, but don't feel good since the damage.
anyway i'm paying private once the new year is over with and possibly looking at 2 dental implants, or maybe 1 implant and a procera crown.
just wondering though, my teeth are pretty straight but i have a slight gap in my front tooth, could the dentist easy make the teeth bigger should i decide to get an implant (or crown) to cover the gap?
i don't want to bother with 'bonding' as you need to keep getting that done every few years, but i'm unsure whether to keep the gap or join them together.
its never caused me any trouble or bothered me before, but its kinda gutting paying possibley £3,000 for 2 implants - (all my savings i might add and i'm currently not working) :O
and i'm thinking to myself maybe i should get it done and i can say ive got something for my money.
whats your views? and is it possible?
Closing Front Tooth Gap?
Yes the gap can be made smaller or closed if I were you try to keep your teeth how they come through as it will affect your bite and will cause problems in the future it's a pity you couldn't have got an NHS dentist because it is a lot of money think if it were me I would just get the repairs done good luck there are good and bad dentists private and NHS whatever you decide ask to speak to the technician
Reply:if it bothers you that much you would ask on here I would say yes, have them done enough to close the gap. It will boost your self confidence no-end
Reply:I know people who have paid to have a gap put in their front teeth. A lot of people think its cool so why worry about it. Letterman doesn't and he can afford it. Some times not having perfect chicklet teeth adds a bit of character and looks really cool
Reply:I have two implants %26amp; it was a lengthy business having them done (nearly a year from start to finish) %26amp; not particularly pleasant (had to wear false teeth for months,had a bad reaction to the painkillers I had to take after the bone graft %26amp; insertion of the implant) so it is not something to be undertaken unnecessarily. If your teeth are in reasonable condition, a simple crown is probably all that is needed and only if you are really unhappy with your appearance. I also have a veneer %26amp; that has lasted well so far. A gap between your front teeth is meant to be sexy %26amp; slightly imperfect teeth look much more real than perfect ones. Will it make you happier to have your teeth fixed, or will you then find something else wrong? If you aren't working %26amp; having your teeth fixed won't make it any easier for you to find work, then I would suggest saving your money.
Reply:Ask your dentist about veneers to close up the gap.
Reply:It is a lengthy and expensive process. I have bonding/veneers on my front teeth (to close a gap too) and it has lasted over 7 years and still going strong. They now also make them so you can bleach them with the rest of your teeth if you like. I didn't like the idea of completely removing a tooth for a simple gap. Implants into the bone are painful, my sister is a dental hygenist and says people only choose them if they are missing teeth or have to have a lot pulled out. Be careful
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