Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tooth extraction again?

What if I leave 6 teeth bottom front and get a partial plate for the back with maybe 2 back implants for stability,then remove all top teeth and have a full denture.I am 50 years old and have looked after my teeth but when I was young a dentist filled all my teeth so fully and because I clench my teeth I have cracked them,I live dailly waiting for pain and I am too scared to eat anything harder than toast,I only eat chicken or soft meat,the reason I want my teeth out is because this is ruling my life at the moment.I would rather not get them out but the pain is like chewing on alfoil.

Tooth extraction again?
Seems like there are a lot of people our age who had bad dentistry when we were young. My dentist did the same to my teeth - it STILL annoys me even now and I'm nearly 50! Anyways, have you thought about mini implants? Apparently, they're a lot, lot cheaper than individual implants and they can be used to anchor a whole set of teeth and also they preserve the bone so you wont get that sunken look. Otherwise, you could get a couple of implants at the back on each side and then get a bridge fitted. I'd try and leave your front teeth there if possible. That's just me though - probably best to talk to a good dentist. Isn't it great these days that even if you have to have your teeth out, you can now get implants done!!
Reply:I feel so bad for you.. Ask your dentist what would be best for you. Sorry but anything "we" tell you on Yahoo Anwers probably wont be the best advice as we are not dentist and even if we were we would need to see you in person. Explain your story to your dentist and he'll know best.

Good luck, i hope you find a solution!!!

EDIT: Make sure you keep your front top teeth or else the denture will give you a Lishhhpp
Reply:Only have them pulled out if they cannot be fixed. Remember, once they're gone, that's it. you can't get them back or change your mind.

Taking the bottom ones (side ones) and replacing with half denture is a good idea. But I find people who wear top full denture generally distort their looks. If it is possible, leave the top front ones and have the side ones, the teeth you chew on, removed. It is possible to have partial denture, leaving the front one for aesthetic reasons.

You shouldn't live in pain. Obviously you won't enjoy eating your food, a basic human necessity.

Discuss the above with your dentist but remember, tooth implant is very very expensive and you don't need them to anker a partial denture.

It is a very big step but don't let it ruin your life. Go see a good dentist and am sure there are sometimes alternative to pulling the teeth.

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