Sunday, March 14, 2010

Newly placed implant still very sore - is this normal?

Hi hope a dentist can help before I phone the surgery tomorrow morning.

Had a lower right second molar implant placed on Friday with no problems - textbook. Prescribed antibiotics as routine.

However I was in quite bad pain when the local wore off. I took ibuprofen, went to bed and in the morning it was like I had had nothing done - no pain, just a little swelling. Have continued with my amoxcillin. Last night I woke up in severe pain, which I felt mostly around the teeth adjacent to the implant site, and with a very swollen face. No sign of infection around the sutures. Pain is copable with this normal after an implant or has something gone wrong?

Thanks in advance

Newly placed implant still very sore - is this normal?
One of my implants behaved that way with the swelling and major pain occurring 2 days later. I saw my surgeon, and he told me it sometimes happens and increased my antibiotic dosage, and my ibuprofen dosage. It slowly improved over the next few days. That being said, you should still definitely phone the surgeon in the morning, and in the meantime, should you begin to run a fever, get to the emergency room.
Reply:I would trust No one here, Have the doctor examine it are you taking your antibiotics?
Reply:Could you have food stuck there? Hang in there. You do need to call your doctor now if you can. They can actually share more with you.

I was very allergic to peridex are you using this?


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