Thursday, March 11, 2010

OMG wait untill you hear what has to happen to me on Jan 5!!?

I've never taken care of my teeth and this is what I get:

Today I went to the dentist. ( I need braces) I went in for a check up and this is what they told me:

I have to have 5 teeth pulled for braces

I need 3 root canals

I need to get 2 cavities filled

Braces on all of my teeth

An implant

I also need my wisdom teeth out (all 4 of them and get this: they are ALL impacted)

And OMG this is what they said, "We can do it all in one visit!" (in a cheerful voice. Like this is a happy thing?)

They are going to do it ALL on January 5, 2007. Lucky me. My teeth already hurt

Any experiences. What do you think? And yes, I'm DEFENETLY taking better care of my teeth in the future

OMG wait untill you hear what has to happen to me on Jan 5!!?
that's great if they can do it all in one day ........just remember try not to drink much before you go in it sucks when you have to pee and they cant stop
Reply:You're in for a painful experience. Cavities aren't a big problem, but root canals are painful and having three at once is no picnic (so far I've been lucky enough to avoid having any). Put it this way, you'll want to eat a lot a few hours before going; you might find yourself unable to eat very much, especially solid food, for a few days after the operation.

And yes, in the future, definitely take care of your teeth.
Reply:It's past Jan.%, but I pity you!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had a root canal and they HURT~!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you live. Are you still alive. And it's so mean they would say it in a cheerful voice. Do they ENJOY torturing patients?

Reply:Thats super cool, just wait untill you get the perfect teeth, all the hot guys like me will be all over you lol!
Reply:I am just curious what exactly you expected them to tell you. Your face is gonna hurt something awful, but it won't last long.
Reply:ya but it will take all day and cost 10k ????
Reply:one visit?? I find that hard to believe. I had to have 8 impacted 5 impacted teeth removed before I got my braces. And that took 3 appointments? Is your dentist based in Walmart??? Sorry, I don't think all this is going to happen in one appointment. It takes an orthodontist a long time to put braces on... maybe you misunderstood. Maybe they said they can pull all five teeth in one day. They cannot put braces on after pulling teeth, they have to let it heal for a bit.. you might want to call the dentist again, and find out exactly when what is taking place. Sorry, I do not believe this is going to take place in one day, there is no way for that to happen, if I am wrong, I will wait to see you post again on January 6th.
Reply:I just got braces, and had 4 teeth pulled. It isnt that horrible. All you feel is pressure and the pinch of the needle.

It sounds like you are young, so please, take better care of your teeth, because if you dont, with braces your teeth will rot under the braces.
Reply:it would be better if you can get it all in one day.

i had braces...they were going to pull a bunch of my teeth at one place...a second opinion told me about pallet wideners. i got one of those. basically it widens your upper pallet before the growth plate in your mouth seals up. this will save your teeth and make your smile bigger.

all my wisdom teeth were impacted also. the worst was my bottom right. they have to break it up and scrape it out. i was put under (highly recomended) so i didn't feel a thing. the whole procedure lasted about 45 minutes.

and with cavities...don't stress too much. them numb your mouth (with a nimble gum injection of novacaine that only hurts for a moment, kinda like a pinch on the gum) then they fill it with a white substance so it blends in with your teeth better. they don't really used metal anymore. especially, if you don't have any metal now.

i don't know so much about root canals but they prolly suck. and implants are not so bad from what i've heard from a friend, just make sure it's super clean.

the good thing is that you'll get lots of pain meds and they're planning it for a weekend which will give you time to relax and heal in the begining. chances are you'll need about a week off at least after all this. maybe 2 depending on your rate of recovery.

good luck. that's tuff no matter how you look at it.

update: don't listen to the eating and drinking part. you won't be doing any of that 12 hours pior to your visit (or whatever the anesthesiologist says).

some thing to buy pre getting all this done would be to buy some boost drinks (they have vitamins and protein for when you can't eat that much, and believe me you really won't want to), lots of guaze (those wisdom teeth are going to bleed til they clot, it took mine about 2-3 days for them to clot), rent some movies you've been wanting to catch up on, maybe a book, clean your room (you're not going to want to for a while and it helps when things are clean), a little bell to ring when you need something (talking not so good), and perhaps a pad of paper or a little white board to communicate with people.
Reply:This will be a very PAINFUL Experience, and yes, it will also be quite expensive ...

For myself -- when I need any dental work (and at my age -- I STILL have my teeth -- which is so much different than my parent's generation experience was (they already were in Dentures for many years) ....)

I ALWAYS Ask before any treatment is done (or appointments) what is the priority to do the work (or what needs to be done first) ... (AND ... have you had a Second Opinion on this? I did have impacted wisdom teeth removed surgically (because they were destroying the roots of the molars next to them) -- and it took quite a bit of time to just do that ...)

The IMPACTED teeth (for sure) need to be done ... along with the root canals ...

I am just stunned that this can all be done in one visit ... just getting one tooth crowned took a couple of hours and 2 visits for myself (including making the models and removing the temporary crown to replace it with the permanent one).
Reply:This isn't going to happen in one visit noway nohow.I cant over emphasize this but get a second opinion I cant count the money I have saved.
Reply:wow. that's almost all i can say. wow

but, as for advice. when you get your teeth pulled and everything, the best thing to eat is warm smoothies. i like cantaloupe shakes, with 1 cup cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoons sugar. blend it all up and let it sit for a sec, and it'll be really sweet and incredibly delicious. i had four teeth (adult pulled) and braces, although next to this, that's nothing. good luck, and remember to bring music for the parts where you're awake (heavy metal, screaming and stuff. it does what you want to do while they're working on your mouth)

but, you're gonna look incredible, i promise!
Reply:uh, yeah, maybe you should start taking care of your teeth. I don't even have a filling yet...
Reply:Wow, good luck sweetie.

I'm thankful. I hadn't taken care of my teeth for a long time and all I had to have done was three fillings and I'm getting braces in February. The fillings are a piece of cake, I'm sure it'll be the easiest thing to deal with.

I hope everything goes well!


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