Thursday, March 11, 2010

Question about temporary tooth?

will a temporary tooth (before implant) withstand kissing? my friend's came out just by chewing gum! How are they bonded and are they THAT easy to come out?

Question about temporary tooth?
chewing gum can create a suction effect inside the mouth, so can damage temporary dental fittings,
Reply:dont fight wit teeth ....!!

temprory are temprory..

can come out with chewing gum or with sticky choclates..It may come out easily because they are made of temprory material !!!even though they are bonded with teeth regular materials
Reply:kissing is fine. gum as you should know is sticky and you arent supposed to chew gum when you have a temporary tooth anyways. All it is, is a fake tooth cemented with IRM, a temporary cement. you are also not supposed to pop the floss out when you floss that tooth. you have to pull the floss straight out so you dont pop the tooth off.


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